Linternauta was recently selected to be exhibited at the Fair of European Innovators in Cultural Heritage.

Linternauta to be incorporated into the catalogue of pedagogical tools used by the integrated centres such as the National Association for the Defense of the Heritage of the Historical Institutes, the educational services of museums -such as the Museu del Cinema. Col.lecció Tomàs Mallol or the National Museum of Science and Technology- or a temporary and itinerant exhibition as ‘A return around the world of the magic lantern’, produced by the Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit of the University of Salamanca. Linternauta offers online multi-language content and three levels of experience for the user: a) The user as an inexperienced viewer who knows nothing about the universe of the magic lantern. b) The user as a spectator that is familiar with the topic but needs to be guided by the conceptual map of discursive genres. c) The user as an expert viewer who, as lanternists used to do can create his own session of magic lantern. A user who can also consult or not the conceptual guide of discursive genres. Spread knowledge and access to magic lantern slides thanks to information and communication technology. Stimulate the direct experience of user's community regarding such a valuable Cultural Heritage.
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